
Seraphinite (gem-quality CLINOCHLORE of the Chlorite Group) is a lovely dark-green stone that changes sparkle and light as you view it from different positions. It comes from mine “Korshunovskaia” which is situated not far from Baikal Lake in Eastern Siberia, Russia. Its hardness is 2 – 2,5 (Moh’s Scale), density 2,6. Chemical formula H8 Mg5 Al2 Si3 O18.

SERAPHINITE is said to be the PREMIER HEALING STONE OF THIS AGE! It is strongly recommended for the strengthening and activating of all chakras. This stone is also believed to cause old patterns of disease or imbalance to fall away. This creates a space for new patterns of well-being to form. Seraphinite is healing for nerves and brain cells. It is difficult to say now who gave this “Angel” name to the stone, but they say that it helps to contact angels and communicate with them.


Clinochlore was found and described by the famous Russian mineralogist Nikolai I. Koksharov (1818 – 1892) who was once the director of the Imperial Mineralogical Society. This mineral got its name from the Greek words for inclined and green since its structure is monoclinic and its common color is green.

Seraphinite which is the gem variety of clinochlore has silvery chatoyant fibers much like charoite. There is a common opinion that Seraphinite can be used only as a mineral specimen, because of its softness. We think it’s not true – we make various goods from Seraphinite, it looks great in jewelry. This material can keep polishing quite well, and it is not as fragile as it seems.