
Dendritic Agate is a part of the big Chalcedony family. The chemical formula is SiO2. The composition is silicon dioxide. This mineral has a level 7 hardness and a specific gravity of 2.6 – 2.7. Dendritic agate is probably the most amazing mineral of this family because of its beautiful patterns resembling trees or bushes, which may be strikingly realistic. These patterns (usually black or brown, while the agate itself is white or light grey) are caused by manganese and iron oxide, and hydroxide impurities.

The best dendritic agates are mined in the northern part of Kazakhstan, one of the former Soviet republics. This stone looks especially good if it is cut as a thin cabochon when the trees are distinctly seen on the semi-transparent background. Sometimes the patterns form landscapes, where one can imagine rivers, lakes or marshes, fields or forests, clouds, etc. Such agate pictures resemble ancient Chinese paintings.

The famous Russian jeweler Carl Faberge, who was the Supplier of the Russian Imperial Court from 1885 to 1916, used dendritic agates together with diamonds and other precious stones for his works. Dendritic Agate is most prized now in Russia as a stone of long life, good health, and prosperity.

Dendritic Agate is believed to aid in communication with plants and animals, in understanding Nature. It is associated with the protection of the earth, rain, prosperity, abundance, healing, restoration, and creativity. It helps to improve self-esteem and emotional balancing, it also helps to start new friendships.